As mentioned in March, April 2022 has ben partially a “holiday month” for us. We have still managed to build bunch of new things & booked two tickets to Nordic Game 2022 @ Malmö (May 17th to May 20th). If you’re going there as well, feel welcome to come by and say hello! Let’s make the Finnish military service globally well known!
During the last few days we’ve been building a new game trailer for the upcoming conference. It should be ready by May 17th at latest and then released on YouTube as well. Our intention is to gather feedback from the international audience as much as possible to ensure that Finnish Army Simulator will provide an entertaining experience outside Finland as well.
We do our best to release days 5-7 for alpha testers during May.
List of things done in April:
- [ALPHA]: Finalized day 4 and released it for alpha testers.
- [CODE]: Ongoing work (mostly bug fixes) for days 5-7.
- [CODE]: A lot of hospital related implementation.
- [CODE]: Hearing & vision tests.
- [CODE]: RK-69 shooting & effects improvements (sway, recoil, muzzle flash, etc).
- [CODE]: Shooting janters is now fully implemented.
- [CODE]: WIP: Card game mechanics.
- [CODE]: WIP: Eating mechanics.
- [CODE]: WIP: Soldier’s Guide (“Sotilaan käsikirja”, “Kätilön sotakirja”, “Käsimiehen sotakirja”…) implementation.
- [CODE]: Implemented some new tools that are useful for shooting cutscenes & trailer videos.
- [WRITING]: A lot of new background dialogue for freetime (TV room, restaurant, canteen etc).
- [WRITING]: Dialogue for week two exercises.
- [WRITING]: Soldier’s Guide.
- [DESIGN]: Wooden exploding targets.
- [DESIGN]: Some weather effect improvements.
- [VOICE]: A lot of voice acting for various characters & events.
- [SCENE]: Furniture & improvements to indoor areas (hospital, sports center).
- [ANIM]: Lots of new human animations added to the game.
- [ANIM]: Improvements to hand item handling (weapons, shovel, etc).
- [BUG]: Once again lots of bug fixes.