Hello there! We are posting this changelog a bit early since the upcoming weekend is already occupied for some other stuff.
It has been clearly the most productive month so far and we managed to create a lot of new service task types to the game. Also some story elements were added in the meantime.

Our target is to finish
– Week 4 in August,
– Weeks 5-6 in September,
– Week 7 in October and
– Week 8 in November.
We’ll be participating in Steam Next Fest from October 3rd to October 10th where we’ll be hosting a gameplay live stream and a public demo will be available for everyone to play!

The updated Steam Early Access release target is November 2022. Early Access version should include all content for Weeks 1-8 (Basic period, “P-kausi”).

So, let’s see what we’ve done in detail:
- [FEATURE]: Days 1-17 are now fully playable. Basic Training Period (“P-kausi”) consists of 8 weeks (56 days) but those include some holidays and a few skipped days.
- [FEATURE]: Shooting Practice implementation with appropriate dialogue (“RK1” etc.).

- [FEATURE]: Implemented more Military Drill Exercises (“Sulkeisjärjestysharjoitus”).
- [FEATURE]: Support for Open Square Formation (“Opetusavoneliö”).

- [FEATURE]: Implemented sprinting & stamina features.
- [FEATURE]: Implemented battle training with wingman (“Taisteluparin eteneminen maastossa”).
- [FEATURE]: Implemented a stopwatch UI for various exercises.
- [FEATURE]: All weekend leave events should now be playable.
- [FEATURE]: Tent watchkeeping (“Lähivartiovuoro”) implemented.

- [FEATURE]: NPCs can now sleep in sleeping bags.
- [FEATURE]: Created a new menu for Storylines. Player can now easily track progression of each Storyline.
- [FEATURE]: WIP: Started implementing support for M72 LAW (KVKES, “Kevyt Kertasinko”).

- [DEMO]: Implemented a level select menu.
- [DEMO]: Implemented some feature locks regarding the demo version.
- [CODE]: Many orienteering improvements. Map is now drawn correctly.
- [CODE]: NPCs can now take standing, kneeling & prone shooting positions.
- [CODE]: NPCs can now place objects on preset positions (on tables, on the ground etc).
- [BUG]: Fixes to exams & score handling.
- [BUG]: Many minor improvements & bug fixes overall.