Whoa, what a start of a year! We’ve went through COVID (well, 3 of us at least) and other ridiculous diseases (no STDs this time). But now we are back – stronger than ever!!
Btw we got a new Game Designer to design some missing mechanics, attribute & skill systems etc. And of course to improve the existing ones, too. Since he is not a programmer, we now have our first team member to spend most of the time working on the mechanics design on paper.
Sorry alpha testers for still not unlocking day 2 for you. We want to improve Military Drill mechanics until we’re happy with them. Shouldn’t take much longer. After that, days 3-5 should be a lot faster to fully implement so you can expect a bit faster unlocks for those.

But anyway, let’s see what we’ve done…
- [DESIGN]: Game Mechanics design for dozens of different upcoming service tasks & events.
- [DESIGN]: Player attributes design & balancing.
- [DESIGN]: Player skill tree design & balancing.
- [DESIGN]: Player attribute change UI design.
- [CODE]: Military Drill overhaul. Formation dressing (“ojennus”) is now somewhat functional (meaning still not perfect).
- [CODE]: Office Manners (“toimistokäyttäytyminen”) overhaul & queueing mechanics.
- [CODE]: Evening Strength Calculation (“iltavahvuuslaskenta”).
- [CODE]: Some additions related to RK-69 mechanics (not gonna spoil more here though).
- [CODE]: NPCs can now be ordered to look at something whenever we want.
- [CODE]: NPC navigation improvements again.
- [CODE]: Ability to limit player speed depending on leader NPC movement speed.
- [CODE]: Ability to play custom NPC animations more easily at any point.
- [CODE]: Player attribute change & UI implementation.
- [CODE]: Fast-Forwarding mechanics fixes & improvements.
- [CODE]: Ability to order player to any position in formations.
- [BUG]: Many minor & major bug fixes related to pretty much everything.
- [VOICE]: Lots of new voice acting.
- [STORY]: Lots of new dialogue & upcoming events.
- [ANIM]: Pointing, punching, knocking, military drills etc.
- [ART]: Mostly character customizations & improvements.

Month | Git commit count |
January 2022 | 72 |
December 2021 | 80 |
November 2021 | 240 |
October 2021 | 130 |
September 2021 | 80 |
August 2021 | 70 |
July 2021 | 35 |
June 2021 | 60 |
May 2021 | 70 |