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- [FEATURE]: A new & flexible condition checking system.
- [FEATURE]: Service Task prerequisites. Correctly check stack, bed, closet etc before task begins.
- [FEATURE]: Ability to check that the closet is in order.
- [FEATURE]: NPC navigation optimizations.
- [FEATURE]: WIP: Evening Strength Calculation.
- [FEATURE]: WIP: Tent Watchkeeping.
- [FEATURE]: WIP: Finalize 1st week service tasks. After this is done, the rest of the weeks will finish a lot faster.
- [WRITING]: Lots of new dialogue & story design for the first 4 weeks.
- [SCENE]: Terrain improvements. More buildings, roads, props etc.
- [SCENE]: Furniture & colliders to some buildings.
- [SOUND]: Some environmental sounds added.
- [ASSET]: Graphics for lectures.
- [ASSET]: 3D models:
- Lots of new buildings, oiltanks, hangars etc.
- Some new vehicles.
- Mortar 120 & 81.
- Claymore (“Viuhkapanos”).
- Messaging related models, antennas, radars etc.
- More civilian clothes.
- Officer clothes.
- Character textures.
- Flags.
- Bus.
- Clothes drying room (“Pyykinkuivaushuone”).
- Books (“Kätilön Sotakirja”).
- Story related models – kept in secret for now, no spoilers here…
- [DEBUG]: Lots of new debugging & testing features to improve efficiency.

- [FEATURE]: Tear Gas container (“kyynelkaasukontti”) training implementation.
- [FEATURE]: Tent Watchkeeping (“lähivartio”) implementation.
- [FEATURE]: FPS hand IKs regarding guns etc.
- [FEATURE]: Blinking & sleeping effect.
- [FEATURE]: Boundary system implementaion.
- [FEATURE]: New SECRET mechanics implemented. More info later!
- [FEATURE]: NPC navigation optimization.
- [FEATURE]: Voice Profile system for NPCs.
- [DESIGN]: Further game world design.
- [DESIGN]: Interior furnishment.
- [SOUND]: Bird & other nature sounds.
- [SOUND]: A lot of generic sounds overall.
- [ASSET]: 3D models for
- Lots of new buildings
- Cannons, launchers etc.
- Civilian clothes & apparel, etc.
- Hairstyles
- Some improved weapon models.
- Various signs.
- VIRVE phone
- [BUG]: A lot of bug fixes.
- [DEVOPS]: WIP: CI/CD pipeline configuration.