Woah, February went fast! It’s time for service week 5. In fact, the week 5 update is NOW LIVE FOR ALPHA TESTERS and is coming the next Tuesday for everybody else. So, March 7th is the date to get back on duty.
This changelog is rather short since our focus has been on finalizing the week 5 content which has included a lot of bug fixing & gameplay improvements. Almost all the game modules are already in place but they’ve needed some extensions and improvements.

Major feature updates:
- Gym and Sauna implementation.
- KVKES and Frag Grenade implementation. We are planning to get these more involved in the future updates. The week 5 KVKES and grenade training is rather short.
- Military Oath and related military drill commands.
- Lots of new dialogue and story content.
- We are progressing with some “side quests” as well which should provide replayability after we get the first 8 weeks done.