Let’s start with the announcements:
- Steam Early Access will not start in 2022. 😔
- Steam Early Access WILL START IN JANUARY 2023 – FRIDAY 13TH! 🤩🤩🤩
(we’ll do our very best to make sure we’re ready to launch at this date 🙏)
Why not in 2022??? Because we still have things to polish and finalize. We wanted to enrich the story content, create more depth, ensure that most features will work as intended… This has required a lot more effort than what we thought. We’ve also had some sick leaves etc. that has affected our effective monthly hours. We would’ve loved to release the game on the independence day of Finland which is December 6th. Unfortunately we cannot reach it… But what could go wrong with Friday 13th?

What will the Early Access release have? Four weeks of military training from the day one to day 28, including two forest exercises. There will also be plenty of story related content, optional dialogue and stuff to do on the free time etc.

What will still come? During H1/2023 we will extend the service to contain the full basic period (“P-kausi”, 8 weeks) and even more story related content. There’s also many things that we wish to polish but haven’t had time yet. We’re also already planning for extras that should come after the basic period, incl. other educational branches.

We want to include some media highlights here as well. Huge thanks for making videos, articles etc., it means a lot to us!
- 5.8.2022: Ruotuväki magazine (by The Finnish Defense Forces) featured FAS in 8/2022.
- 23.9.2022: Finnish gaming site Konsolifin.net made an article.
- 23.9.2022: Finnish entertainment site Rumba.fi made an article.
- 23.9.2022: Korean gaming site Gamemeca made an article.
- 25.9.2022: Finnish gaming site Tilt.fi made an article.
- 11.10.2022: Korean gaming site Gamemeca continued with a demo review part #1.
- 19.10.2022: Korean gaming site Gamemeca did demo review part #2.
- 26.11.2022: Korean gaming site Gamemeca interviewed Producer Jeri Haapavuo.
- Cheers for streaming the demo on Twitch, especially thanks to ElMariana, Paulin Pelivideot and Azaa4. Also thanks to all YouTubers, some to mention: Klapa, TenhoPro, Badiskettu, bonkol, Peesukarhu, Dave Cad, Masatti and Tubu!

What did we do in November? Let’s see…
- [MANAGEMENT]: Re-organize the project structure to better support adding more features & functionalities by multiple team members. This should result in faster development cycles.
- [CODE]: Changed from Humanoid Avatar to a Generic Avatar to support animating facial bones. This required re-animating and re-importing many of our existing animations.
- [CODE]: Fixes to grenade throwing and bazooka (“KVKES”) functionalities.
- [CODE]: Fixes to morning comb UI. Player can now finally purchase the morning comb (“aamukampa”) from the canteen.
- [CODE]: Fixes to tent watching (“lähivartiovuoro”) functionalities.
- [CODE]: Ability to wear specific head items (i.e. hats) indoors. Useful for the Chef.
- [CODE]: A new way to make the camera follow an NPC.
- [CODE]: Added plenty of new story related items to the game.
- [CODE]: Support to automatically start a dialogue when player gets near enough.
- [CODE]: Implementation of service tasks and story tasks for service days 20-28. Everything is mostly done, some minor parts still missing. Should be done in a week or two.
- [ART]: Updated FPS hands model to include both hands separately in order to create two-handed animations more easily. Because of this update we had to re-configure all FPS hand item positions etc.
- [ART]: Created new assets for a chef and some other civilians.
- [SCENE]: Trench is now part of the same world terrain instead of a separate terrain to fix navmesh issues.
- [SCENE]: A lot of SECRET AREA DESIGN. Wait, should this be even mentioned here..?
- [UI]: Game Over UI for permadeath mode.
- [UI]: Challenges UI for in-game challenges.
- [UI]: Steam Leaderboard support for Challenges.
- [VOICE]: A lot of new voice overs for multiple characters.
- [WRITING]: Shittons of new dialogue, story related content etc.
- [TOOLS]: Fixes to our custom character model importer.