Woah, August went quickly. Playable demo is coming out in almost one month on Steam. We’re currently implementing content for weeks 4-5 and fixing bugs and improving gameplay for the earlier weeks in the meantime.

Let’s see what we’ve done in detail:
- [DEMO]: October 2022 demo is mostly ready!
- [FEATURE]: Equipment check & packing for camps now work properly.
- [FEATURE]: Changed NPC navigation with a new better implementation to prevent any major bugs and annoyances from happening.
- [FEATURE]: Added some new wakeup and morning shouts.
- [FEATURE]: Implemented a lot more service tasks for weeks 2-4. Sorry, not going to open up much this time since we want to keep some secrets!
- [FEATURE]: Basic camping activities (tent building, sleeping, eating at the camp, warming up the tent) now mostly work.
- [FEATURE]: NPCs and player now cause footstep effects depending on the surface.
- [FEATURE]: Added support for viewing canteen products up close.
- [FEATURE]: New playable card game in the TV room!
- [CODE]: Zoning, Intoxication, Athletics XP are now being given correctly.
- [CODE]: Implemented support for some more player skills.
- [CODE]: Implemented support for some Steam Achievements.
- [CODE]: NPCs can now properly take various shooting positions, and military drill rifle holding poses.
- [CODE]: WIP: Implementing grenade throwing and M72 Law shooting functionality.
- [ART]: WIP: Achievement icons.
- [DIALOGUE]: A lot of new dialogue added for various events & free time.
- [DIALOGUE]: Translated demo related content to English.
- [VOICE]: A lot of new voice overs for many characters.
- [AUDIO]: A lot of new environmental sounds added.
- [BUG]: Various improvements to gameplay feel.
- [BUG]: A lot of bug fixes.