Another year comes to an end and it’s time for some statistics!
This year we managed to…
- Start alpha testing phase 1 containing the 1st day of the military service. 103 people have activated the game on Steam and started testing. Thanks for all the constructive feedback so far!
- Do nearly a thousand Git commits!
- Build a great core (engine) for future service days (days 2 – 7 are almost ready and launching soon for the alpha testers!)
- Get great new team members!
- Launch 1st proper teaser video of the game (and also some other content on our YouTube channel).
- Increase our Steam Wishlister count from 1 812 to 7 471 (meaning +5 659 wishlisters during 2021!)
- Sell over 400 copies of the game on Indiegogo! Thank you all for believing in us & in Finnish Army Simulator!
- Get over 1 800 subscribers on our YouTube channel!
What will happen in January 2022?
- We are getting a new intern to improve the balancing of various things like player attributes & skill tree.
- We will release more content for the alpha testers.
- The development will focus more on content creation instead implementation of core game engine features.
And here is the changelog for December 2021!
- [CODE]: All NPC actions (movement, interaction, wait etc) can now be chained properly.
- [CODE]: NPCs can follow each other and/or player and also separate properly from each other.
- [CODE]: Items can now be queried in code more easily enabling capabilities for dynamic item related tasks.
- [CODE]: We now have the identity of the NPC that is currently occupying an interactable object.
- [CODE]: WIP: Implemented support for NPC interactions with sinks & toilets (i.e. taking a shit).
- [CODE]: Implemented a “hive mind” that controls NPCs during free time. NPCs are now able to do various activities on their own semi randomly, resulting in a humanlike behavior.
- [CODE]: Improvements to the military drill (“sulkeisjärjestysharjoitus”) logic.
- [STORY]: Wrote a lot of new dialogue & events for days 2 – 14. Added most of the stuff for days 2-7 to the game. Still needs testing, animations & filling some missing gaps here and there.
- [AUDIO]: Added footstep sounds.
- [ART]: Created a new barracks building model & use that instead of the old one.
- [ART]: Human model keeps improving.
- [SCENE]: Added missing colliders for some of the buildings. Also indoors.
- [SCENE]: New sand roads added & NPC paths tweaked to use them instead.
- [DESIGN]: Started designing various attribute effects for different core mechanics & service tasks.
- [BUG]: Lots of bug fixes & improvements to 1st day features based on alpha testing feedback.
- [BUG]: Many other improvements regarding some core mechanics (hovering objects, locking doors, identifying objects, UIs etc).
Month | Git commit count |
December 2021 | 80 |
November 2021 | 240 |
October 2021 | 130 |
September 2021 | 80 |
August 2021 | 70 |
July 2021 | 35 |
June 2021 | 60 |
May 2021 | 70 |