4 new procedurally generated weeks + Service Pass release containing a few new items. This update also includes new random encounters (small gigs, chores) for the player to do.
Days 4-22 Released for Alpha Testers
The first three weeks were made available for FAS Alpha Testers.
Public Demo Released on Steam
Our first public demo with 3 playable events was released on Steam.
Days 2-3 Released for Closed Alpha Testing
Our Early Backers got their hands on days 2-3 as well.
Closed Alpha Testing Begins
First release for our early backers to test. This release had only the 1st day available to play.
30 000 Steam Wishlisters!
10 000 Steam Wishlisters!
1 000 Steam Wishlisters!
100 Steam Wishlisters!
Pre-sale Ends on Indiegogo
Pre-sale ends with €12,993 EUR total sales which was more than our target of €10,000 EUR. Development continues!